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Best Arguments Agains Hate the Sin Love the Sinner

Dearest the Sinner, Hate the Sin?

The greatest threat to Christianity is not the atheists who despises God's Word, but rather it is professing believers who use it wrongly in their evangelism. It seems that we have get a culture that thrives more than on quaint piddling antidotes and sayings well-nigh God more than the scriptures themselves. Far too often human tends to falsely condolement himself with such quasi religous sayings instead of seeking to ask, "Did God really say that?"

In 2010, Pastor David Platt came nether burn for preaching confronting one of these pop Christian sayings. A Birmingham Alabama newspaper columnist wrote, "We've all heard the truth that God loves the sinner but hates the sin. Even so, Pastor Platt preaches that God hates the sin as well every bit the sinner."

Pastor David stood earlier his congregation the following Sunday when referencing the article and said, "This is i of those times where a preacher tin come up under burn for preaching the Bible."

The late R.C. Sproul was asked this question at a conference. "Dr. Sproul, what do you say when people apply the maxim, 'God loves the sinner but hates the sin?" Dr. Sproul replied, "The Kingdom of God is non Mr. Rogers neighborhood."

Does God really hate the sinner besides as the sin? Have we become so zealous in our promise for sinners to be brought to Christ that we take given Jesus a makeover in order to hide His wrath and make Him more appealing to the lost world?

We must be cautious in our evangelistic passion to achieve lost souls that nosotros not preach to them a different Gospel. If the Christ we preach is changed in fifty-fifty the slightest manner, then it is no longer the Lord of scripture that we promote, just an anathema.

In order to answer the question of God'southward love or hate for sinners, we must set bated our personal emotions or feelings well-nigh the affair and resort to God's Word equally the final say-so on the effect. What does the Bible say about how God feels most sinners.

To exist sure, in that location is a sense in which God's love has been shed away on sinners. For we all fall short and sin daily, despite our best efforts. Nevertheless, this salvific honey God has for sinners is for those that accept been called of God. God'southward love is for the true Christian, who'southward sins have been covered by the blood of Christ.

It is crucial that we distinguish between how a Christian relates to sin as opposed to a lost person. Someone who has been regenerated by Christ and has been given a new eye cannot tolerate sin in their lives.

Although they most assuredly will sin, it is not something that they seek after. When the true believer in Christ sins, it is mournful to them. They do not seek to entertain sin in their lives, merely rather to put it to death.

"Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry." Colossians 3:5.

The apostle Paul addressed his bang-up hatred for the sins in his life. He looked at his own sin as something strange to his new nature in Christ. Paul hated his sin, and longed for the righteousness of God in his life.

"For I do non understand my own actions. For I do non do what I want, only I do the very thing I hate." Romans 7:15.

For the true laic, it is impossible for them to brand a mockery of the grace of God, falsely thinking that because of their profession of religion that they are free to continue in rebellion against God, and that He is bound to just overlook their trespasses.

If in that location is a person who claims to exist a Christian nonetheless they can willingly and deliberately chase after what they know to be sin, then they prove themselves to exist a liar and their faith to exist a sham.

"Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning afterward we take received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins." Hebrews 10:26.

So there is a sense in which God's love is shown to the sinner in that Christ atoned for the sins of His people on the cantankerous. The danger we get into is when Christians revert to telling unbelievers or false converts that God loves them just hates their sin.

Pertaining to those outside of Christ, those who have not truly repented of their sins and been born again, this is not true. No where in scripture is information technology written that God loves the sinner simply hates the sin. In fact, scripture states the exact opposite.

"The LORD examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion." Psalm 11:5.

Observe it is non merely the sin that God hates with a passion. The Psalmist did not write that God just hates the acts of the wicked. Rather, the word "wicked" in this verse is used to draw a group of people. And God's hatred is directed at them, not just their sin.

"There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and easily that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a simulated witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord amidst brothers." Proverbs 6:xvi-xix.

Over again nosotros see in Proverbs that God's hatred is directed at the ane who commits these sins, non just at the deportment themselves. All men sin, but the truthful Christians runs from evil practices of sin. The unconverted man runs towards sin with a keen willingness to embrace it. These vii things that God hates are not simply sinful actions, but the one who commits them.

"No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they accept been born of God." one John 3:9.

When speaking of the wicked, Job wrote, "Utter darkness is laid upward for his treasures; a burn down non fanned will devour him; what is left in his tent will exist consumed." Job xx:26.

Once more, nosotros see that it is non only acts of wickedness that God abhors, just the wicked perpetrators themselves. Those who may claim to be Christians, only persist in adultery, in hatred, in lies, in fornication and other acts of sin. They know that what they do is an abomination to God. But with their actions, they bear witness that their sin is more precious to them than their want to repent.

These people do not hate their sin, just discover ways to justify it, all the while claiming to be followers of Christ. They may attend church building services, they may have been baptized, and they may be well respected in the customs. But none of these things merit the grace of God upon their lives.

Jonathan Edwards said in his infamous sermon entitled "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", "Some accept imagined and pretended that God's promises are effectual for a human being in his natural state, if that man is truly earnest in his seeking and knocking. Only it is visibly clear that God is under no obligation to keep such a person from eternal destruction, not even for one moment. It doesn't matter how religious the man is or how many prayers he makes. Until he believes in Christ, God is not obligated in whatsoever way to protect him."

Not everyone who thinks themselves to be a Christian is truly saved. Sadly, in that location will be many people who vehemently professed Jesus Christ as Lord while they had breath who will spend their eternity in Hell.

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' volition enter the kingdom of heaven, merely the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that twenty-four hour period many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and practise many mighty works in your name?' And and so will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, yous workers of lawlessness.'" Matthew 7:21-23.

Equally R.C.Sproul once said, "Information technology is not the sin that God will cast into Hell, merely the sinner."

Jesus said in Mark i:15 that in order to be saved, a person must do two things; believe and repent. Professing believers accept no problem with the belief portion of this poetry. Notwithstanding, when information technology comes to repenting of our sins, not one fourth dimension but as a daily do, we conveniently forget this.

As Paul Washer one time said, "Repentance is non a influenza shot or something we do one fourth dimension. Repentance is an ongoing and daily thing."

If we are truly believer sin Christ, it is our mission to seek out and destroy whatsoever remnants of sin that remain in our lives. And we do this be examining ourselves daily. Information technology is to look at our lives through the lens of God's Word, and ask of ourselves if there is any sin that has not been put abroad.

"Examine yourselves, to meet whether yous are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you lot fail to meet the test!" two Corinthians 13:5.

It is the wayward sinner that abides nether the wrath of God. Opposite to what some would say, the love of God does non bide on all people regardless of their spiritual status. The stark reality is that those outside of Christ are heaping upon themselves the fearce acrimony and wrath of God.

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, only whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on them." John 3:36.

It is non the love of God that remains upon the wicked, only the wrath of God. Unfortunately, at that place are many who will not preach this to their hearers. At that place are those who conduct their evangelism with sayings such every bit, "God loves you just as you are, He just wishes yous would stop running from Him."

When we tell sinners that God loves them just the way they are, what is beingness heard is that considering God is so loving, there is no fright in sin. And so why would anyone attach to the Biblical mandate to repent? It is often said that because God is love He must forgive, therefore the more nosotros sin, the greater His grace is upon our lives. Just the Apostle Paul profoundly opposed this simulated notion.

"What shall we say and then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may grow? By no ways! How can nosotros who died to sin notwithstanding live in it? "Romans 6:one-2.

Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that when God saves a man, he literally becomes as a new cosmos. The implications of this are staggering. Salvation is not merely a decision man decides to make. It is a miraculous supernatural phenomenon of God in which God forgoes to make a person totally new. Their desires are different. The sins that they once loved, they now despise. And the righteousness of God that they once ran from, they now run to.

Does a Christian sin? Sadly, the do. Merely can a Christ persist in a practice and deliberate pursuit of sin. Every bit the Campaigner said, by no means. Information technology is in a person'due south practise of repentance that information technology becomes obvious as to if they are saved or not.

It is oft said that as Christians, we are non to judge the salvation of others. It is true that only God can judge a person regarding the condemnation of their sins. However, it is false that Christians are non to judge. In fact, we can weed out imitation believers from true past inspecting the fruit of their lives.

Are they striving after Christ, or striving later on sin? Is there a 18-carat desire for repentance in their lives? Do they hate their sin and long for Christlikeness? These are all fruits that Christians are called to discern in others.

"By their fruit you lot will recognize them. Practice people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? As well, every good tree bears good fruit, just a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot behave bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot comport good fruit. Every tree that does non comport expert fruit is cut down and thrown into the burn down. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them." Matthew 7:16-20.

If your kid were standing in the middle a decorated street in the midst of oncoming traffic, you wouldn't scream at him how much you love him in order to go him to realize his danger. Rather yous would make the child aware of the danger by saying something like, "Get out of the road, or you volition get hit by a car!"

We are to preach the wrath of God to sinners. We don't sugar coat their grave condition or entreat them with false politically correct statements about God. Nosotros are to telephone call them to flee from the wrath that abides upon them.

Because although it is a wonderful truth that God is dear, the lost homo does not reside under His grace. In his spiritually expressionless state, he is in great danger, and information technology is the fear of the Lord that leads people to run into His smashing love. It is the fear of the Lord that leads to knowledge (Proverbs i:7).

"Therefore, knowing the fright of the Lord, nosotros persuade others. Simply what we are is known to God, and I hope information technology is known also to your conscience." 2 Corinthians 5:eleven.

Dr. John MacArthur once said, "Grace ways zippo to a person who does not know he is sinful and that such sinfulness means he is separated from God and damned. It is therefore pointless to preach grace until the incommunicable demands of the law and the reality of guilt before God are preached."

Truth be told, the God never said "God loves the sinner but hates the sin." Rather Ghandi said this. When we mix our Christian beliefs with human'southward opinions, it becomes a powerless and imitation Gospel.

In our evangelism and desire to meet others be saved, let u.s.a. non exist ashamed of the truth of man'southward spiritual country. Unless sinful human being understands the bad news of his own depravity, information technology is impossible to marvel in the good news of the grace of God. Preach the total council of the Gospel. Tell lost men that they preside nether the fearful wrath of God, so that they may come to know His amazing grace.

"For the optics of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open up to their prayer. Just the face of the Lord is confronting those who practice evil." 1 Peter 3:12.
