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Why Do Babies Hate Getting Put on the Changing Table

Inside: Your babe suddenly hates diaper changes and seems determined to make you hate them, too? We've got you covered! One (or more than) of these 9 practical tips volition salvage the solar day and finally brand diaper changes tame again – hope.

Diaper changes. Not the all-time part of this whole parenting gig, am I right? I much adopt the baby snuggles, merely diaper changes certain beats middle of the night feedings, and so nosotros live with information technology.

But still, it's much easier to change a diaper when baby is happy and compliant. You lot seriously didn't know how practiced you had it, until…

All suddenly, your formerly sugariness baby is a rolling, kicking, screaming hot mess wild true cat of a fauna you don't even recognize – during every.damn.diaper.change (7 times a day, vii days a calendar week). And it's driving you CRAZY.

You can probably continue your absurd when it's just a wet diaper. After all, y'all but whip that diaper off and like a ninja, you get that diaper in identify. Nether x seconds flat.

Y'all're astonishing.

It's almost a fun challenge. Nigh.

What'southward not so fun? Wrestling your baby while trying to change a poopy diaper and go on that sh*t from going EVERYWHERE. And you shouldn't resent such an ambrosial helpless little beast, but right now, in this moment, you do. You really, really do.

Because it's on the changing table, the carpets, their apparel, your clothes. It's admittedly icky.

And afterwards you finally go the chore done, you seriously fence whether or not to clean the poop clothes or simply throw those things away (I've done both, my friend – there's no shame in tossing them).

Merely yesterday, your darling little angel babe just laid there, content to let you take intendance of business organisation and get them into a fresh, clean diaper. Where'southward the gratitude?!

Then what changed? And how the heck do you lot deal with it when your baby suddenly hates diaper changes?

Offset let's apace tackle the possible why's of it all, and so we'll go directly to the solutions from bodily parents who've been through this and come out the other side.

dad entertaining baby who suddenly hates diaper changes

Why Does My Infant Fight Diaper Changes All suddenly?


When your baby goes from cherub to wild cat diaper modify fighter overnight, at that place's usually a reason. Hither are ii possible reasons your baby suddenly hates diaper changes.

Your baby recently had a diaper rash, and therefore, previously painful diaper changes. He now fights diaper changes because he associates diaper changes with pain.

If your infant recently had an intense bout of diaper rash, where getting his diaper changed was legitimately painful, he naturally started to associate diaper changes with pain.

This is a completely understandable trouble.

He needs to relearn that getting your changed is a good thing, non a painful thing.

Requite this 1 time and lots of grace, and use some of the solutions beneath to get y'all both through it.

Side Note: An additional rare, but possible reason for your baby to suddenly hate diaper changes is a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).

Detect your baby closely after diaper changes and watch for crying while peeing (UTI's can hurt A LOT, especially during urination), which tin confirm your suspicions. Call your pediatrician immediately if y'all suspect a UTI.

See more signs of a UTI in babies HERE.

Your baby is moving on to a new developmental phase when he has better things to practice than getting a diaper inverse.

This is a far more common reason for your baby to suddenly fight diaper changes (which you, of form, interpret as antisocial them).

When your infant is but born, and in those first few months, she has null amend to practise than feel every single brand new sensation. That includes feeling and differentiating betwixt a dry and a wet bottom.

As your infant grows and starts to move, however, she has better things to do. She wants to roll over, explore her baby toys, and look at all.the.things.

This ordinarily happens right around 5, vi, or 7 months of age.

Plus, diapers are often a piffling besides practiced at their jobs. They whisk moisture away from that bottom, and baby stops feeling wet all as well soon.

If they don't experience wet, they likely aren't going to see getting their diaper changed every bit a priority. Figuring out what that new and shiny object across the room is much more of import, and he does Non like mom or dad stopping his quest for answers.

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9 Things Yous Can Attempt When Your Babe Suddenly Hates Diaper Changes (to make diaper changes easier)

So yeah, in that location are possible explanations. But what can you actually DO to stop the diaper irresolute madness?

I polled several mom bloggers who are in the trenches to give you lot bodily solutions to this problem. Things that WORK, not merely in the theoretical.

Hither we go!

one. Dedicate 1-2 toys only for diaper changes.

Tabea from My Mommy Heart found that making ane or two toys only available during diaper changes worked like a charm.

"What I establish worked well for him was having one or two defended small toys by the irresolute station or in the diaper handbag. I would only permit him take it and play with information technology whilst I was irresolute his diaper.

That fashion information technology stayed a "special" toy and he was very interested in playing with it in the moments of irresolute him.

Naturally, it distracted him and gave him something to be occupied with. That helped a lot!"

2. Stop using a diaper irresolute table, and change diapers on the spot, instead.

This was touched on by almost every contributor, and it's what I institute to be most effective for my own babies who suddenly hated diaper changes.

I abandon the diaper changing table after nigh one month. I make a diaper-changing caddy instead, which includes a changing pad for messy diaper changes, wipes, diapers and diaper rash cream, and keep information technology wherever we spend the most time.

For u.s., that was often the living room.

When you alter your babe on the spot, you disrupt play much less and get your baby back to any she was doing sooner.

Bonus Tip: Talk your baby through diaper changes. "I'one thousand going to lay y'all down to alter your diaper. Now, I'm going to take your diaper off and clean your lesser. Adjacent…" Especially for younger babies, your vocalization can keep them engaged, plus, y'all requite them awareness of the process, from start to finish.

3. Mitt your baby novel, everyday items during diaper changes to keep them occupied.

Pranali from Empirical Mama suggests using annihilation novel – not just toys – to go along your infant distracted during diaper changes.

"Keeping them engaged is the only fashion to get them to cooperate while diaper change.

I used to give my babe something new in his hands like wipes, a clean diaper, keys or anything safe that is within reach while changing his diaper.

Information technology worked really well for us!"

4. Speed up diaper changes with this diaper-changing technique.

Don from The Money Saving Daddy suggested a diaper-changing technique I've been using for years, merely is likely non mutual knowledge to everyone, especially new parents.

"If your infant doesn't want to have their diaper inverse, there's no sense in fighting that battle. Instead, you should do the change in a manner that leads to fewer struggles.

In that location'due south no need to take the diaper off completely in one vicious dive, potentially leading to a bigger fight to get the new diaper in place.

Instead, try this: first, put a clean diaper nether the soiled 1 and use a diaper wipe to clean off the dirty part. Then, remove take off the soiled diaper, leaving the clean diaper in place.

This will cutting downwardly on the number of times you take to touch on your baby, and information technology should make the whole process easier on both of yous. The faster you change the diaper, the shorter the fight."

5. Switch to pull-ups for a short time.

Pull-ups are expensive, I know. But as all parents know who take tried to modify the poopy diaper of a kicking, thrashing babe, sometimes you've gotta do what y'all gotta do.

Monica from Acquisition Motherhood wholeheartedly recommends pull-ups as a short-term, sanity-saving method.

"When they start antisocial diaper changes, purchase pull-ups as these are much quicker to put on than standard diapers.

They will get you through the fighting diaper changing stage!"

6. Use Baby Einstein'south Musical Fish Tank equally a lark (yes, this specific toy).

Skye from Skye Ashley Blog swears by this one particular toy to keep her babe entertained throughout the entire diaper change.

"I've had bang-up success with using the Baby Einstein musical fish tank for diaper changes with my boys.

My youngest is x months and we can still apply it to keep his attention for a few diaper changes daily!"

Purchase the Baby Einstein musical fish tank HERE.

7. Change a blimp creature'south diaper when you alter your baby's diaper.

Cristina from What Does Mamma Say kept her baby calm past putting a diaper on a favorite stuffed fauna and changing them simultaneously (but read on, in that location'southward more!).

"My son went went through this type of stage when he was about 15 months one-time. Changing his diaper felt similar taking part in a wrestling championship. Then, I tried several tricks to avoid diaper irresolute fight equally much as possible.

One of our almost effective tricks was having a big teddy conduct with a diaper on, who coincidentally needed diaper changing at the same time as my son. This frequently amused him, and it helped things go smoothly.

He too liked to aid me change the teddy bear offset, which hateful that it gave me control over something."

eight. Change diapers standing up, instead.

Evidently this arroyo is highly dependent on the age of your baby, but often hating/fighting diaper changes starts once your baby is on the move, whether walking or crawling.

Once your babe tin walk or stand, laying your babe down is just one more pace that can be easily eliminated in virtually diaper changing scenarios.

Then Jenni from Cruise Mummy decided to skip the entire laying downwardly process and get straight to standing upward, with an ingenious thought for how to manage changing poopy diapers the same way as well.

"If your baby or toddler refuses to lie down to have their diaper changed, sometimes the easiest option is to do it continuing upwards. However, this gives you the problem of the onesie dangling downwards into the poopy diaper.

A solution that I didn't think of until I had my second child is to fasten the poppers (buttons) over the babe'south shoulder. This keeps the onesie out of the style so that you can change the diaper with the baby in a standing position much more easily.

This is also handy when there are no baby changing facilities because your child can stand on the flooring of the bath without touching anything unsanitary."

Speaking of bathrooms, moving diaper changes to the bathroom if you accept a large enough bath to do and then can also help to gently innovate your baby to potty grooming.

Related: How to Potty Train a Babe – Everything You Need to Know

9. Hang a boisterous toy higher up the diaper irresolute table for the ultimate diaper changing distraction.

Rachel at Kinder Sensation chose to utilise a unique toy in a unique location to make diaper changes more enjoyable for her infant.

"When the infant is not able to stand notwithstanding – we have a bouncy toy (in our example a rat with a dress – unusual, I know) hung from the ceiling above the diaper changing mat.

Every fourth dimension I lie my son at that place, I take hold of the toy and bring it down to him, he will hold it for every bit long as he wants, to tease himself and and then allow go, to see how it bounces about crazily by his ain doing.

This is repeated until the diaper changing is done."

Your Infant Fighting Diaper Changes Is a Stage: Information technology Volition Be Over Before You Know It

I know it doesn't feel like information technology. Every new "phase" feels like information technology will never end.

In some cases, information technology takes a lot longer to stop than others (similar my girl not sleeping through the nighttime until age 7 – horrifying).

Simply most of these phases pass much quicker than you think.

1 minute you're request your friends for all their all-time tips – or scouring the internet for those tips – and before you lot even get a chance to effort them out, it'southward over.

Hang in there! Your baby will terminate hating diaper changes eventually.

…or y'all'll potty train. Whichever comes first, right?

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Have you survived your babe suddenly fighting diaper changes? Share your best tips in the comments!

mom trying to change baby's diaper when he hates it

Why Do Babies Hate Getting Put on the Changing Table
