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What Color Eyes Does Harry Potter Have

Which Harry Potter Character Are You

If you want to know which Harry Potter character are you, this quiz can help you. Just answer some simple personality questions to discover your true character.

Which Harry Potter Character Are You?

No doubt, you have watched Harry Potter movies or read its book series once in your life. As you know, Harry Potter is a series of British-American movies based on Harry Potter's books and has gained a lot of fans since 2001.

This films' story is about a boy named Harry Potter, whose parents were killed by Lord Voldemort when he was born. Harry Potter is taken to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to follow his witch parents' footsteps at the age of eleven.

There are many students in this school, each with extraordinary talents and abilities. Some of these students are really likable, and some of them are unbearable. Who is your favorite character? Or which Harry Potter character are you? You may have many similarities with different characters in the Harry Potter movie, but you may not know which one you look more like.

Just search the internet to find out, "Which Harry Potter character are you?" You can see many results. Most of them are in the form of personality tests, so you can find the answer to your question by answering some personality-based questions. Here are some examples of these tests questions:

  • Imagine you have a magic wand. What would you like it to be made of?
  • If you had supernatural powers, what would you want it to be?
  • What method do you take to manage critical situations?
  • I'm sure you all know the Quidditch teams. Which team do you support?
  • What personality would you like your partner to have?

Harry Potter Houses

Well, we all know Hogwarts school. This school is divided into four houses, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff. These houses also have unique rules and features that add to their popularity. For example, Gryffindor is the most famous house in Hogwarts, but Hufflepuff is the best one! But the exciting thing is that each of these houses also has fans, and sometimes they like to know which house they belong to based on their personality traits.

So, you may ask, 'What house am I?' The answer to this question can be found by playing another personality quiz titled Harry Potter House Quiz. In this type of test, you are asked a series of personality-based questions, and if you answer them carefully, you will find out which house you belong to at the end of the test. Here are some examples of these tests questions:

  • Imagine you have a wand, and you can do any magic with it. What do you want its core to be made of?
  • What do you do to achieve your goals?
  • Look at your living room walls. What's most outstanding?
  • What is your magical transportation model?

In addition to Harry Potter's personality quizzes, there are various types of Harry Potter trivia quizzes. This is the best option for those who want to know a lot about movies and their details. Also, big fans of this movie love to challenge their knowledge and compete with other fans by playing the Harry Potter trivia quiz.

Harry Potter Characters

Did you know that the Harry Potter movie series has more than 700 characters? You may not know all of these characters, and some of them are very popular with you. Each of these characters has some moral and physical characteristics and abilities that are known to them. In this article, five famous Harry Potter characters are introduced to you:

Hermione Granger

She is an intelligent, logical, and beautiful girl with bushy brown hair and brown eyes. she also has a Logistician personality type and loves school. One of her remarkable abilities is that she can remove a special memory from people's minds, especially her family. Hermione has a lovely lion-like cat named Crookshanks. She belongs to the Gryffindor house, and her Zodiac sign is Virgo.

Ronald Weasley

He is a brave and fearless boy who takes care of his friends in all difficulties and battles. Ron is famous for his red hair, blue eyes, and big hands and feet. He also has a "performer" personality type who is good-natured and optimistic. One of his extraordinary abilities is divination, which means that he can predict the future or know about past events. Scabbers is Ronald's pet rat. He belongs to the Gryffindor house, and his Zodiac sign is Pisces.

Sirius Black

He is a gentleman, brave, and reckless person that his friends are more important to him than himself, and he does everything to protect them. His black hair, gray eyes, and yellow teeth are his striking features. Sirius's extraordinary abilities are healing, transforming into a big black dog, and his advanced mechanical skills. He belongs to the Gryffindor house, and his Zodiac sign is Scorpio.

Ginevra Weasley

She is one of the energetic, independent, and forceful characters of the Harry Potter movie. Ginny is a beautiful and attractive girl with red hair and bright brown eyes. She loves Harry and likes to spend more time with him. Flying is one of her outstanding abilities, and journalism is one of her advanced skills. Ginny Weasley's pet is a lovely pink Puffskeins. She also belongs to the Gryffindor house, and her Zodiac sign is Leo.

Harry James Potter

We all know Harry well; he is a brave, loyal, and selfless boy. He distinguishes between good and evil and always tries to avoid evil. Harry's extraordinary ability is parseltongue, meaning he can talk to snakes. Everyone loves him with emerald green eyes and jet black hair. He is very successful in teaching and always likes to teach skills to his friends. His zodiac sign is Leo.

Questions of the quiz

  • Question 1

    What is your favorite subject?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 1

    • Arithmancy

    • Herbology

    • Physical combat skills

    • Journalism

    • Astronomy

  • Question 2

    Which eye color is attractive to you?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 2

    • Brown

    • Blue

    • Gray

    • Bright Brown

    • Green

  • Question 3

    Imagine you have a magic wand. What would you like it to be made of?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 3

    • walnut, dragon heartstring

    • Ash, unicorn tail hair

    • Just wood

    • Yew

    • Holly, phoenix feather

  • Question 4

    Which of the following positions is the most enjoyable for you?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 4

    • Employee

    • Co-Manager

    • Boss

    • Editor

    • Lecturer

  • Question 5

    Do you like pets? If yes, what kind of pet would you like it to be?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 5

    • Yes, Cat

    • Yes, Rat

    • Yes, Dog

    • I don't know, but I like it to be funny

    • No, I don't like

  • Question 6

    If you had supernatural powers, what would you want it to be?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 6

    • Erasing people's memory

    • Predicting future events

    • Healing

    • Flaying

    • Talking to animals

  • Question 7

    What method do you take to manage critical situations?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 7

    • Logic

    • Sometimes I behave immaturely

    • Quietness

    • I find a way with my own mind

    • Intelligence

  • Question 8

    What is your favorite hair color?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 8

    • Bushy Brown

    • Red

    • Black

    • Orange

    • Jet black

  • Question 9

    Choose a Patronus...

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 9

    • Otter

    • Dog

    • Horse

    • Deer

    • None of them

  • Question 10

    What genre of film do you watch most?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 10

    • Scientific

    • mysterious

    • Action

    • Comedy

    • Science fiction

  • Question 11

    Which of the following are you most skilled at?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 11

    • Solving puzzles

    • Voice imitating

    • Driving

    • Reporter

    • Teaching

  • Question 12

    I'm sure you all know the Quidditch teams. Which team do you support?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 12

    • Gryffindor Quidditch team

    • Chudley Cannons

    • The Holyhead Harpies

    • Gryffindor Quidditch

    • None of them

  • Question 13

    Choose one of the following quotes...

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 13

    • "Oh for heaven's sake!

    • "Well, you can't break an Unbreakable Vow..."

    • "What's life without a little risk?"

    • "I never really gave up on you."

    • "I hope you're pleased with yourselves"

  • Question 14

    What is your Zodiac Sign?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 14

    • Virgo

    • Pisces

    • Scorpio

    • Leo

    • Leo

    • None of them

  • Question 15

    What personality would you like your partner to have?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 15

    • Levelheaded

    • Humorous

    • Reckless

    • Energetic

    • Self-Reliant

  • Question 16

    Which of the following phrase is most familiar to you?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 16

    • Little Miss Perfect

    • Ickle Ronnikins

    • Snuffles

    • Gin

    • Undesirable No. 1

  • Question 17

    Which character of your friend will upset you?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 17

    • Misinterpretation

    • Seriousness

    • uneasiness

    • Laziness

    • Dependency

  • Question 18

    What is your personality type?

    Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 2021 Updated Quiz 18

    • INTP

    • ENFP

    • ENTP

    • ESTP

    • ISFP

What Color Eyes Does Harry Potter Have
